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get in one’s hair
令人不胜其烦  detail>>
to get in one’s hair
使某人烦恼  detail>>
get one
扭了筋 手指给刺扎痛了  detail>>
give one get one
买一送一  detail>>
get gray hair from
为...操心  detail>>
get sb by the short hair
抓小辫子  detail>>
cut one’s hair = have one’s hair cut
理发  detail>>
dye one’s hair, to
染发  detail>>
give one’s hair a smooth
捋一捋头发  detail>>
smooth down one’s hair
捋平头发  detail>>
smooth the hair over one
用手掠一下额前的头发  detail>>
the king with one gray hair
长了一根白发的国王  detail>>
buy one get one free
买一送一  detail>>
as far as one get
力之所及到这种程度  detail>>
get a lumin one’s throat
感到心里不好受  detail>>
get a rise out of one
招惹  detail>>
get eight-one points
获得八十一分  detail>>
get excited as one talks
说上劲儿  detail>>